Health Benefits of Massage

Health Benefits of Massage Therapy

In this post, we’ll explore the powerful health benefits of massage, focusing on how massaging different areas of the body can lead to good health.

We’ll also dive into the fascinating history of Marma points and Meridian Lines, ancient pathways of healing energy.

By approaching the body through an Ayurvedic perspective, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of how massage can enhance your overall well-being.

My goal is to not only educate you but to inspire you to incorporate regular massages—or even simple self-massage—into your wellness routine.

Before going into the massage benefits, it is important to understand points in the body that massage types like Thai & Ayurvedic massages target.

In Ayurdveda, the massage order is broken down as followed:

  1. Shirobhyanga – Head, Neck, & Shoulder
  2. Padabhyanga – Foot & Leg
  3. Abhyanga – Arm & Head
  4. Abhyanga – Abdomen & Chest
  5. Abhyanga – Back
  6. Special Hip
  7. Special Belly

Marma points

Marma points health benefits of massage

To Begin, Marma points are vital anatomical junctions where prana (life energy) flows, referenced in ancient texts like the Ayurveda.

In Vedic times, they were crucial for both warfare and healing.

Ayurveda identifies 365 essential Marma points, with 107 being potentially lethal if severely impacted.

These points, linked to subtle energy channels (nadis), are key in therapies like Abhyanga massage, which stimulates the nervous, lymphatic, and circulatory systems.

By working on these points with warm oils, Abhyanga promotes detoxification, healing, and revitalization of the body.

Meridian Lines

Meridian Lines health benefits of massage
Meridian Lines Google Image

To Begin, Meridian lines in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurveda are energy pathways carrying life force—Qi in TCM and Prana in Ayurveda.

These channels, though not physically identifiable, are crucial for maintaining health, with blockages causing illness.

In TCM, therapies like acupuncture restore energy flow, while Ayurveda uses nadis and Marma points through yoga and massage to balance prana.

Both systems emphasize energy flow for overall well-being, affecting the nervous and circulatory systems.

Head, Neck, and Shoulder Massage Benefits

In Ayurdveda, the head is the most important part of the body because it carries 8 of the bodies 10 sacred gates:

Opening of nostrils, eyes, the mouth, ears, and what they call Brahma Randhra, which is located on the top of the head where babies have the soft spot.

Whether you have just 5-10 minutes a day, you can reap the benefits by massaging this area yourself, swapping turns with a partner, or even treating yourself to a professional service.


  • Increase the flow of cerebrospinal fluid
  • Strengthening the nervous system
  • Balances the pituitary glands
  • Eyes, lungs, heart, brain, colon, and stomach also become toned as a result.
  • Helps improve both experiential and cognitive memory, alertness and stability.

Major points of Head:

  • Soft Spot of Head – Crown center
  • Crest of Head
  • Medulla Oblongata – Center back of head

Benefits of Foot & Leg Massage

To start, a soothing foot and leg massage can transform someone exhausted from a 12-hour shift into someone feeling as refreshed as if they’d spent the day relaxing. Let’s dive into the benefits.


  • Stimulates all the organs of the body and increases Rojas and a state of deep relaxation, including a sense of total wellness in the entire system.
  • Massaging the feet, one of our five organs of action, relieves insomnia, nervousness, and dryness or numbness of the feet.
  • Massaging the legs energizes the belly, pelvis, and colon, improves circulation and fertility, and cures numbness.

Below are import foot points to understand:

  • Big toe – stimulates brain and helps sight
  • Index toe – releases energy from the lungs
  • Middle toemeridian for large intestine flows here; helps tone colon.
  • Fourth toeKidney Meridian; increase the flow of vital energy to the kidneys.
  • Little toeHeart meridian, stimulates the heart and enables its beat to remain slow and rhythmic.

For self-massage: Begin at the ankle and work your way up to the middle toe, focusing on the bottom of the heel and tracing along both the inner and outer edges of the foot.

Arm & Hand Massage

Our hands are vital extensions that enable us to touch nature and refine her within ourselves. Our hand, also one of our five organs of action, energetically speaking, hold 5 elements on the tips of our fingers. 

  • Earth – Pinky
  • Water – Ring
  • Fire – Middle
  • Air – Index
  • Space – Thumb

Benefits of Hand & Arm Massage:

  • Stimulates our deep cognitive memories while energizing the tissues and organs of the body.
  • Massaging both hands and the arms increases flexibility and refreshes the energy of the whole body.

Abdomen & Chest Massage

The Navel is considered the epicenter of the body, connecting all 72,000 of its nerves (Nadi’s). It also contains the memory of our first feeding in this life, since our first vital sustenance flowed through it from our mother.

Center of the belly and body, navel is a phenomenal base of energy.

Benefits of Abdominal Massage:

  • Helps to move stagnant energy and revitalize this basic life source.
  • Physically, abdominal massages relieves constipation
  • Tones the stomach muscles
  • Uproots toxins from the body
  • Induces deep feelings of wellbeing. (No pressure is applied in this area)

Benefits of Chest Massage:

  • Stimulates the heart
  • Increases circulation
  • Stimulates the capillaries of the blood vascular system
  • Tones the liver and spleen
  • Increases prone
  • Stimulates the lungs
  • Dislodges mucus accumulation.

Special Hip Massage

A Special hip massage is basically focusing on the hip area rather than a larger area.

Health Benefits of Hip Massage:

  • Helps improve digestive fire and peristalsis movement of the large intestines
  • Helps to tone the liver and spleen.
  • Performed when laying on the side.

Basics in Performing Hip Massage:

  • Grip hip firmly with both hands & thumbs on back of the hip and fingers in front
  • Massage both waist and hip areas firmly maintaining a circular motion with hands for about 5 minutes and then switch sides.

Special Belly Massage

This massage is added on top of the abdominal massage previously done. This massage is performed when laying on back and legs are bent with foot on the ground or bed allowing lower back to flatten.

Health Benefits Belly Massage:

  • Tone the stomach
  • Improve digestion
  • Improve circulation
  • Improve fertility
  • Relieve constipation

Basics in Performing Belly Massage:

  • Starting by sitting on the right of the persons body (can use oil)
  • Begin in the navel and gently move in a circular clockwise manner creating an outward spiral until the entire belly has been stroked. (Use Palm of hands)
  • The focusing on sides, starting from lower left side to upper left side, Knead the muscles gently and repeat in other side.

Cautions for Belly Massage:

  • Avoid if pregnant or has abdominal inflammatory conditions like ulcers.
  • Make sure not to eat for 3 hours before belly massage.
  • Relieve bladder before massage
  • Discontinue the massage if patient complains of pain in the belly.


As we’ve seen, understanding the health benefits of massage goes hand-in-hand with recognizing the importance of Marma points and Meridian Lines—key energy centers in the body that unlock profound healing potential.

Whether you’re exploring Thai massage, Ayurvedic techniques, or simply practicing self-massage, these practices rooted in ancient wisdom can dramatically enhance your physical and mental well-being.

Much of what I’ve shared comes from Maya Tiwari’s Ayurveda: Secrets of Healing, a source of deep inspiration for me.

Through her teachings, I’ve learned how these time-honored methods can transform everyday life.

I hope this post encourages you to explore the world of massage and motivates you to make it an essential part of your self-care journey.

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